Apple unveiled the iPad Mini 6 back in mid-September, during its California Streaming event. This latest compact powerhouse was announced along with an affordable iPad 9th Gen and the iPhone 13 lineup. The new iPad Mini comes in refreshed vibrant colors and is already on sale if you haven’t bought one yet.
Apple advertises iPads as PC replacements, but without a physical keyboard, it’s hard to achieve that. So we have compiled for you a list of the best keyboard and keyboard cases available right now. Whether you need a standalone keyboard or a keyboard case depends on a lot of factors, such as how often you need to use the keyboard, whether you’d rather have the keyboard away from and unattached to the iPad, and your overall style and build quality preferences.
Best Keyboards: Standalone, Bluetooth keyboards
- This metallic keyboard from Logitech has keys shaped for your fingertips, so typing feels more natural. The backlit keys automatically light up when your hands approach them and the lighting adjusts based on your environment.
- This elegant keyboard from Arteck offers decent functionality for an affordable price. It's available in two color options — Black and Silver. It has a long battery life, so you won't need to worry about running out of juice after weeks of daily use.
- This wireless keyboard offers seven backlight colors. So you can switch to a color that matches your mood. It's ultra-slim, light, and includes a scissors mechanism for easier typing. At the bottom of the keyboard, there are four rubberized feet to prevent it from slipping.
- This is the official Magic Keyboard from Apple. It has a premium build and work perfectly when paired with an iPad. And it offers the slim, minimalist design Apple is known for. It also includes a rechargeable battery, through a Lightning to USB cable.
- This Magic Keyboard is also from Apple, but it offers a numeric pad. For those of you who prefer working with larger keyboards, this one is for you. It has the same premium build of the other Magic Keyboard and also includes a rechargeable battery.
- This keyboard from RYMEK offers an eccentric typewriter design. If you're a fan of mechanical keyboards, this one is for you. It also offers a stand for your iPad, so you don't have to use a separate stand. Its keys are backlit for dim conditions.
Best Keyboard Cases: Keyboards integrated with cases
- This keyboard case comes with a bluetooth mouse. iPadOS introduced mouse and pointer support, so this keyboard case and mouse combo bring you a step closer towards having a laptop replacement.
- This cover offers 360ยบ leather protection. It looks professional, so it can be used in formal environments. And it offers three dents for propping up the tablet into different viewing angles in landscape mode. It also supports auto display sleep/wake.
- This slim case shell from FGENLD comes in six different vibrant colors — Black, Blue, Green, Pink, Purple, and Yellow. The wireless keyboard is detachable and can be used independently. It uses a magnetic mechanism to attach to the case.
Personally, if I had to choose one of the products listed above, I would go for the Apple Magic Keyboard (without a numeric keypad). I love its minimalistic design, it offers perfect integration with iPadOS, and it’s rechargeable with the same cable I use for my iPhone. Additionally, the build quality is trusted and guaranteed.
If you’ve decided to go for a Bluetooth keyboard, rather than a keyboard case, you might want to take a look at our best cases for the iPad Mini 6 collection. After all, iPads are delicate slabs, and without proper protection, they could easily get scratched. Accidents occur all the time. So while a case won’t completely protect your iPad, it will still minimize the potential damage. Whether you’re looking for something formal or casual, colorful or dull, there’s an option for you!
What accessories do you use with your new iPad Mini 6? Have you chosen any of our recommendations? Let us know in the comments section below.
The post These are the Best iPad Mini 6 Keyboards and Keyboard Cases: Apple, Logitech, and more! appeared first on xda-developers.
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